Memo Paris
Perfumes and fragrance by Memo Paris
Memo Paris fragrances: A French fragrance house launched in 2007 by Clara and John Molloy. The fragrances are inspired by destinations. Learn more
Memo Paris fragrance and perfume list.
2020 - Jamal's Palace | Ocean Leather | Retba | Sintra
2019 - Oriental Leather | Vaadhoo | Winter Palace | The Flying Collection: Desert Orange Blossom, London Tweed, Rose Paris Rose, Siberian Golden Wood
2018 - Moroccan Leather | Tamarindo | Tiger's Nest
2017 - African Rose | Eau de Memo | Kedu Sesame | Marfa Spices
2016 - French Leather Rose | Marfa | Russian Leather
2015 - Graines Vagabondes: Iha do Mel | African Leather | Irish Oud
2014 - Graines Vagabondes: Kedu | French Leather | Shams Narcissus | Moon Leather
2013 - Inle Iris | Irish Leather | Italian Leather | Lalibela Oud
2012 - Luxor Oud | Quartier Latin
2011 - Granada | Shams
2010 - Manoa
2009 - Moon Fever (Moon Safari)
2008 - Jannat
2007 - Inle | Lalibela | Siwa
Shop for perfume: Neiman Marcus | Luckyscent | Bergdorf Goodman
Memo Paris - perfume and fashion house

About Memo Paris
Clara and John Molloy, the founders of Memo, met on a chair lift in 2005, between sky and earth, between two worlds, in that weightless space that brings out one's daring side and broadens horizons. It wasn't long before they decided to set off together on a long-distance journey. It would also be a creative journey. Memo, which they launched in 2007, was part of the adventure: a collection of scents from afar that now boasts fifteen fragrances, it takes a destination and makes it the point of departure for a sense-awakening epic.
(Source:, July 2015)
Contact Memo Paris
Corporate Office
52 rue Bassano
75008 Paris | FRANCE
+33 (0) 144549172